We recently started using 5i Research, an independent research firm based in Canada that provides research reports for stocks traded in Canada and the United States. As dividend investors, we understand that sometimes it is difficult to stay on top of current financial topics, and by using 5i Research, we have saved countless hours as this information is right at our fingertips.
Here is an example of the reports that 5i Research provides to their clients (link to a PDF file). We use the reports provided to support our decision, and at the end of the day, we decide if the company fits our criteria.
With our subscription to 5i Research, we not only have access to great data, but also the wonderful and knowledgeable community it has built. As you all know, we are big on community and sharing thoughts and ideas, and this is exactly what we have found with 5i Research. We can ask questions of not only the knowledgeable experts of 5i, but also the community members just like us, going through the same markets changes we are.
It is important to mention that at the end of day, the decision in what we invest in is still ours, 5i Research is simply a great tool to assist in that decision making. If you are interested, FIRE We Go subscribers have a 25% discount offer by using this special link.
Disclaimer: If you decide to subscribe to 5i Research, we might receive a small commission. You have a 14-day trial should you decide to cancel. You are not obligated to use our link, however, any income we receive is used to maintain this website, which is always welcome and appreciated. Thank you!