Dividend Investing Strategy for Financial Independence – Nov 2022

Welcome to our Dividend Investing Strategy for Financial Independence. We started the journey to Financial Independence in 2019 and paid off $60,000 in consumer debt.

Since July 2020, we’ve been tracking and sharing our journey to Financial Independence. Let’s take a look and see the results of our dividend investing strategy and the passive income received in October 2022.

Dividend Investing Strategy – Passive Income breakdown

BMO.TOBank of Montreal583.80
RY.TORoyal Bank410.88
POW.TOPower Corporation800.31
HDIVHamilton HDIV56.13
HYLDHamilton HYLD27.10

2022 Retire Early Dividend Income Summary

FIRE We Go! Dividend Income Report

Asset Allocation for Financial Independence

Here’s the breakdown for November 2022:

Recommended links to help your Financial Independence Journey

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Thanks for letting us be part of your day and journey. Stay safe!