Dividend Investing Strategy – Jan 2022

Welcome to our Dividend Investing Strategy for Financial Independence. We started the journey to Financial Independence in 2019 and paid off $60,000 in consumer debt.

Since July 2020, we’ve been tracking and sharing our journey to Financial Independence. Let’s take a look and see the results of our dividend investing strategy and the passive income received in January 2022.

Dividend Investing Strategy – Dividends breakdown

T.TOTELUS Corporation327.40
AQN.TOAlgonquin Power & Utilities Corp292.67
BCE.TOBCE Inc. (Bell Canada)302.75
XAW.TOiShares Core MSCI All Country Ex-Canada95.77
TD.TOTD Canada943.40
REI-UN.TORioCan Real Estate Investment Trust26.96

2022 Retire Early Dividend Income Summary

F.I.R.E. We Go! Dividend Income Report

When comparing January 2022 with January 2021, there’s a +61% increase. This is one of the best months so far, and we hope to achieve our goal of $25,000 dollars by the end of 2022.

Asset Allocation for Financial Independence

Here’s the breakdown for January 2022:

  • Canada: 1,893.18 (95%)
  • Global: 50.32 (5%)

Recommended links to help your Financial Independence Journey

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Thanks for letting us be part of your day and journey. Stay safe!